On the fifth of May I was given the opportunity to open the Dutch television program dedicated to the liberation of The Netherlands. However, at the time of the program, I was still on a short break about 300kms away! But my dad, the lifesaver he is, drove from one side of the country to the other for me and accompanied me on this new journey.
Because I had never taken part in anything related to live television, this was super scary! Once I arrived at the scene I was greeted by a heartwarming crew and four big camera’s facing my way… quite an intimidating sight.
We did a few takes a couple of hours before going “on air”, I messed up quite horrendously the first three tries. Together with the moral support of MALA (the singer and guitarist playing her song “Freedom Should Be Free” as I quoted my poem) and one of the camera crew (the whole crew was really nice to be honest, but he gave off a true dad-vibe, the “you got this, kid!”-one) I managed to get it right and we continued practicing to get it perfect.
There’s nothing scarier than going live, the countdown, the last few seconds before the big event, the camera’s pointing at you and you stiffening as you realize you can’t make a single mistake. It was a very very scary experience and yet I enjoyed every second of it!
When it came to it, MALA and me aced the take and later joined the host Fabienne Nijsten for a short interview. After that a long drive back to the rest of the family it was, and we safely arrived, dad and myself very tired, at midnight.
You can watch the full interview here!