
Mijn bed is zacht
Dus ik wacht, geduldig zittend op de bedrand
In gedachten met mijn voeten in het strandzand
Van Domburg

Iemand zoals jij is raar
Want jij kijkt naar, de dingen die niet mooi zijn
Waarom hoor ik daarbij, op jouw ideeëneiland
Van Domburgs strandzand  

Wij zullen gaten graven
En met maatstaven, kijken wie het beste is
De Zeeuwse lucht blaast fris door onze huid
Bij ons tweede thuis

Duw mij in het zand
Begraaf mijn linkerhand, mijn been totdat mijn kop
Het enige is wat nog enigszins rechtop, bovenkomt
Verslindende zandgrond 

Het dilemma tussen kiezen
Of ik je hier wil verliezen of dan toch niet hier
Op schelpweg nummer 1, bewonersaantaal meer dan twee
Wegrennend naar mijn zee

Mijn bed is koud
Handen waarvan jij niet houdt, zoeken houvast
Hou me vast op de dijk van Domburg, op dat bankje
Ik bedank je

Ik bedank je
Voor zonsondergangen waarin we, een strandhuisje huurden
En stiekem gluurden, over het strandzand, vol scherpe schelpen
Help me

Hou mijn handje vast
Terwijl ik de leegheid aftast
En gretig zoek naar iets wat jij niet hebt gezien
En dus van mij is

Welk deel van mij 
Heb jij nog niet gevoeld, met zachte lippen spreek je
Dat dit niet is wat je bedoelt, dit is geen liefde

Je gooit verkeerde namen
En verzameld nog de moed het goed te praten
Omdat ik altijd zeg dat haatten een sterk woord is
En ik toch niet sterk ben?

Het strandzand brandt
Onder mijn voet belandt de een of ander schelp
De scherven snijden in mijn huid maar dit keer
Wil ik geen help




De duisternis is overweldigend 
Vastgeketend aan mijn bureaustoel kijk ik hoe de golf zijn dodelijke opmars maakt 
Met het zachte geluid van mijn biologie docent in de achtergronden wacht ik
Bedelf me, geef me rust
Verslind me in geruisloze golfen waar niemand aan me komt
Geef me oneindigheid nu, vlak voordat de afgrond nadert en ik val

Schuifelend loop ik naar buiten, ogen gericht op mijn tsunami van verdriet en pijn 
Het is bijna poëtisch, hoe ik sta en wacht om te verdrinken 
Ik heb me erbij neergelegd dat het ooit moest gebeuren
Bedelf me, verdrink me, duw mijn  hoofd onder water en scheur me in stukken
Laat me weten hoe het is iets anders te voelen dan leegte 
Overheers het statische geluid in mijn hoofd, het brommen van mijn computer, de politici die grote woorden naar mijn hoofd slingeren en me vastketenen achter mijn bureau

Meters hoog torent de golf boven me, ik kijk snakkend naar de sterren 
Kleine druppels vallen op mijn tenen, over mijn wangen en langs mijn gezicht 
Vlak voor de golf mij kan bedekken schiet ik wakker

“Dus, wat betekend nou transcriptie, Sara?”
Het waren enkel tranen, een geruisloze schreeuw om hulp die niemand ooit kon horen
“Het vormen van DNA, mevrouw” 

I Don’t Know if I’ll Ever be Enough

I apologise for all the tears
The sleepless nights and broken heart
The silence and the screaming
The six feet apart 

I apologise for your self hatred
The sadness that I’ve brought you
The unspoken words and held back truth
Sorry for the hell we’ve been through

Sorry for the times I didn’t hold you
Or the days I forgot to show my love
Sorry for the good memories 
Or more, the lack thereof 

Sorry that I forgot to care
And sorry for the days I cared too much
Sorry that I can’t feel your hug
Or your sweet touch 

I’m sorry that I’m not there right now 
And words will have to do
But don’t question my feelings
And the love I have for you

Inspired by the song ultimately by khai dreams


If tears could whisper words
To the one who seems to fall
Would any living person
Even dare to cry at all? 

For facing your sadness
Might be scarier than you’d think
Hearing the water that stains your cheeks
Every time you blink

It’s the fear of knowing
What you’ve actually known before
But having to hear it
Breaks a heart up to its core

For words turn something blurry
Into something that seems real
And at the end the human fears
That what it could feel

Peter Fechter was 18 years old when he tried to escape East Germany and start his new life in the west. He and his friend tried to escape, until Peter was lethally shot. All took place in front of hundreds of people (soldiers, journalists etc). They left him there, right where he fell, for when someone tried to help him, they’d be shot too. And no one could reach him without going down the same path Peter Fechter hadn’t survived. So there he lay, dying, in front of everyone. After about an hour, he passed away. Once he did, an East German soldier picked up his body, and carried him back to East Berlin, where he had so desperately tried to escape from.

To Be Loved

Do you know this feeling where you just want to be loved? You want to be recognized by someone and know that you are worth loving. It’s like the constant rush for appreciation, not so much love itself. You want to be held, kissed, you want to be important to someone. 

And because you’re human, you return that appreciation. After one, maybe more, weeks, it just fades away into nothingness, until you are left with someone who doesn’t love you, but just wants to be loved. 

Shame, that’s what washed over me when I realized this. I had used someone for the soul purpose of being told I was loved. I couldn’t see it then, for I was blinded by the idea I could fight everything, because someone thought I could.

The same person had used me too, the exact same reason in his head as it was in mine, so at the end, it didn’t truly feel like I alone was at fault. I wanted to be recognized and he wanted attention, it was a perfect match made in Hell, but it felt like Heaven to me.

Now I’ve realized we both didn’t do anything wrong. We were trying to get back up from our previous battle and just needed a helping hand, a smiling face to tell us we could do it. I was his, he was mine. And now we are ourselves again.

When Heaven Touches Hell

The book is now finally published and purchasable. When Heaven Touches Hell is a book with 40 beautiful poems accompanied by stunning photographs! The in total 75 pages high quality paper comes at a low price (shipping not included). At only 14 years old, Sara Curfs wrote a book with the most impressing poetry in a language not even hers. We are excited to share with you and everyone around the world: When Heaven Touches Hell. (Send a Message through the website to purchase the book)

The book costs €9,95 (euro’s!!!) without shipping.
Costs of the book in The Netherlands are €14,- INCLUDING DELIVERY

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Words that held meaning
Which could crash and burn her down
Sending in a tidal wave
Emotions which would make her drown

He held her hand tightly
“Stay afloat!” He screamed in pain
The sky empty, no one was listening
His plea was in vain

She tried, she really did
To find her way back to the sky above
His calls unmistakable
Or perhaps the lack thereof?

For if he cared
Wouldn’t he jump in too?
Three words which crashed and burned her
I love you

Teary Eyed

Tears that run like bullets
Over my cheek they flee
They fall down harsh and cold
Until I can no longer see

They create this tidal wave 
Of doubt, fear and regret
And just to remind me
I count the tears I’ve shed

In the bucket they fall
Thousand and thousand more
They run from my cheek 
Down to that icy porcelain floor

In the floor I see myself 
Crying and spilling tears 
My lips shut and broken
As I hold back all my fears

The tears they yell their reason
Why the fell in the first place 
They marvel the pain and sadness
As they run down my face

Some they are golden
And some tears are just black 
But the tears that are the smallest 
Carry the most weight on their back

This poem is very close to my heart, because sometimes the things I write speak words I can’t dare to say to somebody. And this one is an example of me writing what I felt that day. It’s a beautiful piece, but the reason that I think it’s so beautiful is because it’s about my own emotions. Therefor there is no picture.